Lewis Lott, PhD

As a collegiate level professor at an HBCU, I teach my students from the perspective of relatable applications within Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, chemistry and biochemistry. Students who often encounter these subjects in my class retain and thrive in the next level of their education. I offer career guidance, and assist in mentor relationships that often end up being long-term relationships. My goal ultimately, is to provide a safe education platform for underrepresented minorities to uplift their confidence into going into diverse career fields.

Building the global academic foundation on an individual basis.

No student is left behind. Every student is on this journey to succeed academically.

We support student athletes to be in good academic standing.

“You are a student first and then an athlete”.

The future is a reflection of what we choose to do today.

Persevere – Overcome Challenges – Strive.

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