Eunice Boateng | UVA grad

It all begins with the first lesson being, “I do not know”. You must recognize you need the help and that there are a pool people who are willing to offer you the support. The only concern is that who is the right fit for you?

In looking for academic assistance or support, it is important to consider a few things before choosing a tutor. Here are some tips to consider in find your ideal tutor: 

  • Personality
    • Learning environments should be social and interactive. Personality can either hinder or enhance one’s tutoring experience. Your student should have a healthy relationship with their tutor. If the tutor you hire initially doesn’t fit with your student, then consider looking for a different one. 
  • Passion & Commitment 
    • An ideal tutor is passionate and committed to the success of the student. When looking for an ideal tutor, pay attention to educators who enjoy teaching and desire to see students thrive.  
  • Expertise
    • While tutors don’t necessarily need to be experts, you might want to consider how well the tutor understands their field. An ideal tutor should have ample knowledge and specific-content expertise to help engage and motivate students in learning.
  • Qualifications
    • Does my tutor have the necessary qualifications/ training to support my student? Think about how their credentials might influence the learning environment. How might their skills benefit or contribute to my student’s ability to learn or retain information? 
  • Professionalism 
    • Professionalism goes hand-in-hand with expertise and qualifications. Tutors should exhibit a certain level of professionalism that is conducive to learning. Tutors and students should both carry respect for their relationship. 
  • Budget & Pricing 
    • Thinking about finances is vital when it comes to finding your ideal tutor. Make sure to find a tutor that works with your budget. Consider how much you can afford currently and long-term. 
  • Availability
    • Is my tutor’s schedule compatible with my student’s schedule? If not, are they flexible in working around schedules? Parents have busy schedules, but so do students and tutors. It’s important to work together to figure out when and what time is convenient for all parties. 
  • Flexibility 
    • Tutoring sessions should have a certain degree of flexibility in structure and content. An ideal tutor should be willing to make adjustments to techniques and approaches to meet the learning style of their student effectively.
  • Learning & Teaching Styles 
    • Parents should keep their student’s learning styles in mind when looking for their ideal tutor. In education, one size doesn’t necessarily fit all, so it’s important to assess your student’s learning style and make sure it aligns with the tutor’s teaching style. 
  • Resourcefulness 
    • What additional resources can my tutor provide? How will my tutor track my student’s progress? Tutors must be equipped with available resources to supplement direct academic support. Make sure there specific resources for the various learning styles as well as learning difficulties. 


  • Adam Brown
    Posted December 2, 2016 3:18 pm 1Likes

    This is a great article. I like your blog that lets us know more about your job

    Posted June 2, 2020 5:29 pm 0Likes

    Great article!

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